As cliche as it sounds, the new year is a time for new year resolutions and goal setting. But in order to accomplish your goals, you have to start slow and focus on the little thing to get where you want to be.
One important detail that most likely relates to all of your goals this new year is - organization! In honor of National Clean Off Your Desk Day, here are some ways you can get organized to start 2018 off refreshed and adequately prepare to accomplish your goals this new year!
Rid Yourself of Clutter
One given with the holiday season is you’ll be receiving gifts and new household items. You may have upgraded your wardrobe or received replacement electronics. For every new item you received this holiday season say goodbye to three old items.
By doing so you will be on your way to decluttering your life and creating an organized environment to come home to each day. Happiness at home will translate into happiness at work and into all around positive energy that will help you stay focused in the new year and beyond.
Create Lists and Labels
There is an old saying “it’s only a dream until you write down, and then it becomes a goal.” This still holds true today. Write down your goals and stick to them! More importantly, get organized by making lists for your to do’s or label items and boxes in and around your home.
By labeling items that are in storage or items that are in your closet you are able to hide them from plain sight but at the same time maintain easy accessibility.
Making lists and labels create accountability and order and the actual act of writing something down can relieve stress and help you feel productive!
Clean Up Regularly
Now that you started to declutter your home, outlined your goals, and labeled your home cleaning should be easy! Start a house cleaning schedule and hold yourself to it. We suggest trying dedicating one day a week to your entire home or one room per day. Don’t let all your hard work go to waste either. Get into the habit of putting things away immediately to avoid making your home cluttered and dirty again.
Remember that we can take care of your dry cleaning and laundry! One less thing you have to worry about this year!
Don’t forget about cleaning and organizing your closet so you have room to store your freshly cleaned clothes. Head over to our blog post here to read more about how you can make the most out of your closet space.
And lastly, cleaning up doesn’t just mean your home anymore. Clean out your personal and work inboxes by unsubscribing to unwanted email lists, organizing your desktop and files, and making sure all your important information is backed-up properly.
Find Time For Yourself
We can’t go to the gym for you but we can take care of your dry cleaning and laundry. And by taking that off your list of to do’s we hope you are able to find more time for yourself and more time to focus on your health. It’s important to not only get your environment organized but your body as well. Getting into a healthy routine will maintain order and provide energy so that you can take on any challenge this new year!